Coordinating colours section
Tonal Combinations
Combination with Neutrals
Designer's Choice
Inspirational articles with this colour
Products with this colour

Dulux Albertono Road Marking Paint
Excellent day and night visibility
Good retro reflectivity due to excellent glass bead retention
No added lead
Produces a surface with anti-skid properties

Dulux Gloss Enamel
Extremely durable
Colour fade resistant – protection against harsh UV rays
Scratch and stain resistant
Superb appearance with even gloss finish

Dulux Ducospray
Rapid dry; second coats after 30 minutes
Superb appearance and excellent durability
Extremely easy to use
Excellent coverage

Dulux Acrylic PVA
Conceals minor imperfections
Excellent opacity
Low odour and quick-drying

Dulux Luxurious Silk
Excellent opacity
Low odour and quick-drying
Satin finish
Supreme stain resistance

Dulux Pearlglo Water-Based
Water-based satin enamel
Block resistant and APEO free
Low VOC and low odor
Non-yellowing; steam and grease resistant

Dulux Wallguard
Durable dirt-shedding suede finish
Exceptional water repellence
Inherent mould resistance – Mouldex® technology
Excellent coverage

Dulux Weathershield
Algae and fungus resistance (Mouldex™)
Flexible paint film
High spreading rate
No primer required (new walls)

Dulux Weatherguard Fine Textured
Fine textured finish
Maxiflex™ - provides lasting elasticity to cover hairline cracks
Unique texture hides plaster imperfections
Excellent weather resistance